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Launching CrowdStreet

Launching CrowdStreet

After a almost a year of product development, marketing and customer development, I’m excited to be launching CrowdStreet, a commercial real estate crowdfunding platform. The $254 billion commercial real estate financing market is ripe for disruption....
Launching Cinephiled

Launching Cinephiled

Last month, we quietly launched, a new film and pop culture site that delivers a mixture of commentary, community, creativity and conversation for people who love film and pop culture. Cinephiled features a staff of writers who have previously...
Avoiding Startup Death

Avoiding Startup Death

For about 15 years, I have had the pleasure of working with startup entrepreneurs in a number of technology sectors and in various capacities. I’m amazed at how much the startup landscape has changed and, more importantly, how the processes that are used by tech...

CiviData Launches

A well-deserved congratulations to the team at CiviData on the Beta launch of their new local government data aggregation and comparison tool. After several months of iteration, the product is being launched to invitees only. If you are an employee of a local or state...

Website Design Contest

You’ve seen the logo… now design the website. We started a design contest on 99 designs… Submit your design here