Ruby on Ales!

by | Jan 13, 2011

Matt and I have been talking about doing a software conference here in Bend for quite some time. After all, there’s a lot of people that have never heard of Bend, Oregon, not to mention the exceptional technical talent that this community has attracted.

So while we were in New Orleans at RubyConf, thanks to some helpful friends, we came up with the concept “Ruby on Ales” combining three of our favorite things: the Ruby community, beer and snow! It sounds like a recipe for disaster, but what the hell! It’s all in the name of science. In fact, I am hoping to get some statistically reliable data to support (or debunk) the Ballmer Peak theory.

We’re stoked that it’s actually happening, in no small part because we found some great collaborators in Coby, Josh and Mark.

So, check out the details, submit a proposal to talk, become a sponsor and get your early bird registration in cause the Hungover Bird prices are coming soon!