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Ruby on Ales!

Matt and I have been talking about doing a software conference here in Bend for quite some time. After all, there’s a lot of people that have never heard of Bend, Oregon, not to mention the exceptional technical talent that this community has attracted. So while...

Sponsoring RubyConf 2010

We’re pretty stoked to be sponsoring RubyConf 2010. This is our first sponsorship and it kinda feels like we’re all grown up… nah!  But seriously, Matz’s keynote should be fun and overall this should be a great event. Matt and Mike will be...

Metaweb Joins Google

Everyone, everywhere should know about Metaweb, a company incubated by Applied Minds. Why? Because now that Google has purchased the company and Freebase, their growing open database of  “entities” (think: logically ordered keywords), everything from...

WordPress Security Plugin for Rackspace Cloud Sites

Anyone that manages a WordPress site knows that it can be a bit of a challenge to maintain site security. And, if you are managing a lot of them it can be quite an effort. Today, I found myself cleaning out a site that had been the subject of a malicious attack. And...

Bulletin Article

Well it must have been a slow news day in Bend, because the Bulletin came through on their threat and actually published a piece on Aquo. Thanks to David Holley for letting us rant about everything but technology and writing a nice piece that covers a lot of ground....

RailsConf 2010 : Must See Videos

RailsConf was great this year. Got to meet a bunch of new people that I hope to keep in touch with. After a crazy flight back to the west coast – 15 hours of flying, circling, diverting, waiting, unloading, loading, sitting, waiting for a pilot from Baltimore to...

Mapping the Social Graph

I missed Robert Kieffer’s post back in March on this. And, I find it so interesting that I thought it’d be worth sharing again… Among other things, maps the connections of some 200 million Facebook user profiles and illustrates...


Just bought our #RailsConf passes. Baltimore, here we come.

My Favorite Apps for Startups (and anyone else that wants be agile)

Over the last 15 years I’ve worked with quite a few startups and growth-oriented companies. During that time frame the way we have all worked has changed dramatically. Most importantly, small teams rely upon efficient collaboration to do more with less time and...

Android Email Bug: Known Problem?

Earlier this week, I wrote about the a crazy bug in the Android email app that I discovered on my Nexus One, which posed a significant privacy risk when users send emails from their device. I submitted the bug report to Google and earlier today I received a reply. The...